Giftable Pre-Rolls for the Old School Cannabis Lover on Your List
Giftable Pre-Rolls for the Old School Cannabis Lover on Your List Giftable Pre-Rolls for the Old School Cannabis Lover on Your List Kids today with their dab rigs and fancy vaporizers! Nothing is more old school than passing around or smoking a joint. Historically, the first usage of a cannabis cigarette was recorded around 1856, […]
4 DIY Cannabis Crafts for Thrifty Gifters
4 DIY Cannabis Crafts for Thrifty Gifters 4 DIY Cannabis Crafts for Thrifty Gifters The 2019 holiday season is almost upon us, retail-speaking. Christmas displays are already popping up in stores and soon the overhead speakers will be pouring out holiday music, all encouraging you to buy, buy, buy! Did you know that one of […]
11 Bedtime Snacks to Help You Fall Asleep
11 Bedtime Snacks to Help You Fall Asleep 11 Bedtime Snacks to Help You Fall Asleep If you’re one of the many Americans who have trouble falling asleep at night, some minor dietary changes may help. Eating a large meal before bed is just asking for digestive trouble that can keep you awake but small, […]
5 Tasty Cannabis-Infused Recipes for Your Thanksgiving Table
5 Tasty Cannabis-Infused Recipes for Your Thanksgiving Table Thanksgiving is just around the corner and it’s time to start planning those holiday menus. Many would agree that out of the food-related holidays Thanksgiving comes in at #1! If you’re celebrating with cannabis-friendly friends and relatives, you can add a little extra cheer to the big […]
4 Cannabis Jam Recipes to Brighten Your Morning
4 Cannabis Jam Recipes to Brighten Your Morning 4 Cannabis Jam Recipes to Brighten Your Morning When you’ve got the right strain on hand, a little cannabis in the morning is just the thing a body needs to start the day out right. One of the beautiful things about cooking with cannabis is that you’re […]
Fall Harvest: 4 Ways Proper Drying and Curing Improves Your Homegrown Cannabis
Fall Harvest: 4 Ways Proper Drying and Curing Improves Your Homegrown Cannabis Fall Harvest: 4 Ways Proper Drying and Curing Improves Your Homegrown Cannabis If this is your first season cultivating homegrown cannabis, you’ve come to realize that growing great plants takes a lot of hard work and skill! Sure, it’s easy to grow sub-par, […]
Harvest Tip: Curing Produces Better Cannabis
Harvest Tip: Curing Produces Better Cannabis Harvest Tip: Curing Produces Better Cannabis If there’s one thing a cannabis cultivator must be, it’s patient. Watching a plant mature from seed to a healthy full-grown plant take patience, but to get truly great cannabis, you must wait and wait some more. Cannabis flowers aren’t ready to go […]
Celebrate National Dessert Day with These 5 Cannabis Infused Sweets
Celebrate National Dessert Day with These 5 Cannabis Infused Sweets Celebrate National Dessert Day with These 5 Cannabis Infused Sweets Okay, we checked. National Dessert Day celebrated on October 14th isn’t really a national holiday. It’s more like something baking companies made up, but you can’t stop us from celebrating anything that has to with […]
Cannabis and Health: 4 Tips for Beating Insomnia
Cannabis and Health: 4 Tips for Beating Insomnia Cannabis and Health: 4 Tips for Beating Insomnia Insomnia is a serious problem that affects millions of Americans. In every study examining why people use cannabis, insomnia is always near the top of the list. Insomnia isn’t just trouble falling asleep, it also refers to the ability […]
How to Be an Ethical Cannabis Consumer
How to Be an Ethical Cannabis Consumer How to Be an Ethical Cannabis Consumer In America we’re blessed with millions of choices when it comes to shopping for and buying products. Everyone has their own criteria when it comes to purchasing. Some of us are focused on value, getting the best quality for the lowest […]