5 Ways to Enhance Your Edible Experience

You can always eat more, but you can’t eat less. Korova Milk Bar Plan AccordinglyIf you are sensitive or new to edibles, we strongly encourage you to start with a low dose THC level edible. Keep in mind that edibles can take anywhere up to two to three hours before you start to feel their […]
Improving Your Cannabis Garden with Mulch

Improving Your Cannabis Garden with Mulch Improving Your Cannabis Garden with Mulch Mulch is a popular additive to many gardens and gardeners swear by its benefits. Mulch refers to decaying organic material that lies atop the soil. In a natural environment, mulch is made from fallen leaves, dead brush, plants and other rotting things. But, […]

HIGH ART BEGINS IN 2 DAYS! High Art year number 8 begins on February 20, 2021. THAT’S ONLY 2 DAYS AWAY!!! Artists from around the world are encouraged to enter their artwork inspired by cannabis and the theme: IT CAME FROM OUTER SPACE! Artists will have 1 month to enter as many times as they […]
How to Smoke from a Bong
How to Smoke from a Bong How to Smoke from a Bong Some say they’re making a comeback, others say they never went away, but waterpipes are a fun and effective way to get really, really high. Bongs have always been popular when it comes to cannabis glass art. You can find some truly astounding […]
Stock Up on Northern California Craft Cannabis Seeds for Spring!
Stock Up on Northern California Craft Cannabis Seeds for Spring! Stock Up on Northern California Craft Cannabis Seeds for Spring! Have you checked out our online shopping menu lately? If so, you probably noticed the addition of tons of new craft cannabis seeds! Spring is less than a month away and soon it’ll be time […]
Top 5 Reasons to Grow Your Own Northern California Craft Cannabis
Top 5 Reasons to Grow Your Own Northern California Craft Cannabis Top 5 Reasons to Grow Your Own Northern California Craft Cannabis Californians are blessed with the ability to grow cannabis for recreational or medical consumption right at home. While there’s something to be said for the convenience of purchasing amazing cannabis without all the […]
Spotlight on Humboldt Seed Company
Spotlight on Humboldt Seed Company Spotlight on Humboldt Seed Company Spring is within sight and it’s seed season here in California! Check out the website for new additions to our seed catalogs and see what new strains are going to be hot this summer and fall! We only work with Northern California small businesses […]
High Art 2020 Inspo: The Magic and Art of the Tarot
High Art 2020 Inspo: The Magic and Art of the Tarot High Art 2020 Inspo: The Magic and Art of the Tarot Magic is, according to its definition, “the power of apparently influencing the course of events by using mysterious or supernatural forces.” One way humans have sought to influence events throughout history is through […]
High Art 2020: Save Green and Keep It Green with Upcycled Art Supplies
High Art 2020: Save Green and Keep It Green with Upcycled Art Supplies High Art 2020: Save Green and Keep It Green with Upcycled Art Supplies If you’re an artist, crafter or maker of any kind, you may find it hard to get out of art supply and craft stores without spending a bundle on […]
How to Germinate and Transplant Cannabis Seeds
How to Germinate and Transplant Cannabis Seeds How to Germinate and Transplant Cannabis Seeds While it’s a bit early to begin germinating seeds for the outdoor growing season here in Northern California, if you’re an indoor grower, there’s no time like the present! Starting a cannabis plant from seed can be a rewarding endeavor, allowing […]