Natural Cannabis Company – California's Finest Cannabis

Cannabis 101: What Are Cannabinoids?

In today’s culture, there are those who believe in and have experienced the medical benefits of cannabis, and those who think that medicating with cannabis is a more a socially acceptable way of saying you like to get high. However, all one needs to do is understand a little of the chemistry involved in cannabis, […]

Know Your Strain: Lamb’s Bread (aka Lamb’s Breath)

Know Your Strain: Lamb’s Bread (aka Lamb’s Breath) By Zelda Flowers Lamb’s Bread, sometimes also known as Lamb’s Breath, is a spritely sativa known for providing high energy and a strong mental buzz. It’s a Jamaican landrace strain, where it’s rumored to have been one of Bob Marley’s favorite strains. Regardless of which phenotype you […]

5 Reasons Why You Should Grow Your Own Cannabis

5 Reasons Why You Should Grow Your Own Cannabis By Zelda Flowers Cannabis is now legal in many states with the option for consumers to grow plants for personal use. In California, cannabis lovers can grow up to six plants at home without any type of permits or paperwork. If you’re a regular cannabis user […]

Quick Start Guide to Vaping Cannabis

Quick Start Guide to Vaping Cannabis Quick Start Guide to Vaping Cannabis This is some quick and dirty information for new cannabis users who wish to know more about vaping. We’ll cover what vaping is, the benefits and the main options you’ll need to consider before you start. What is Vaping? Vaping is when a […]

Marijuana Enters New Era In Sonoma County

Marijuana enters new era in Sonoma County with passage of Proposition 64 Marijuana enters new era in Sonoma County with passage of Proposition 64 GUY KOVNER AND JULIE JOHNSON THE PRESS DEMOCRAT | November 9, 2016 OrganiCann medical marijuana dispensary owner Dona Ruth Frank was at the gate of her East Todd Road business in […]

Product Review: Natural Cannabis Company Supernaturals

Product Review: Natural Cannabis Company Supernaturals By Zelda Flowers In the spirit of Halloween, I opted to try Natural Cannabis Company’s Supernaturals ($30-$50, 5 pre-rolled mini-cones). Halloween happens to be the perfect occasion for you to try them as well. The Supernaturals come in adorable little boxes, perfect to house the five mini-cones. I love […]

California Grown 420 Backpacks!

Stop by OrganiCann, MendoCann or Oakland Organics to purchase on of our Natural Cannabis California Grown 420 Backpacks! You can also order one online HERE. For a limited time, buy a backpack and receive entry to win a 1 year High Society Membership. INCLUDES Over $400 of artisan crafted cannabis products for only $225! Absolute Xtracts […]

420 Celebration with Natural Cannabis!

420 Celebration Kicks Off!  Come celebrate with Natural Cannabis during our 3 day 420 Celebration! The celebration starts tomorrow at 10AM with special promotions from Bloom Farms, Sensi Chew and Flow Kana at OrganiCann in Santa Rosa. We’ve got tacos, popcorn, a live DJ, samples, a raffle and more! New guest vendors will be offering exclusive promotions each […]

Outstanding Outdoor Strains!

We carry a huge selection of outstanding outdoor strains! Check them out at and OrganiCann, MendoCann or OaklandOrganics.

Emerald Cup 2015

The Emerald Cup 2015 was incredible. With over 21,000 attendees, this year was the biggest yet, and we had a blast. Congratulations to all the dedicated people who placed this year, and thank you so much to our team of dedicated staff and friends that helped to make this year such a success. Make sure […]