Natural Cannabis Company – California's Finest Cannabis

Marijuana Enters New Era In Sonoma County

Marijuana enters new era in Sonoma County with passage of Proposition 64 Marijuana enters new era in Sonoma County with passage of Proposition 64 GUY KOVNER AND JULIE JOHNSON THE PRESS DEMOCRAT | November 9, 2016 OrganiCann medical marijuana dispensary owner Dona Ruth Frank was at the gate of her East Todd Road business in […]

Product Review: Natural Cannabis Company Supernaturals

Product Review: Natural Cannabis Company Supernaturals By Zelda Flowers In the spirit of Halloween, I opted to try Natural Cannabis Company’s Supernaturals ($30-$50, 5 pre-rolled mini-cones). Halloween happens to be the perfect occasion for you to try them as well. The Supernaturals come in adorable little boxes, perfect to house the five mini-cones. I love […]

Best Northern California Cannabis

We offer the very best of Northern California Cannabis. Which is your favorite Natural Cannabis location? OrganiCann Oakland Organics or MendoCann?

Smoke Like A King!

Smoke like a King! Live the Natural Cannabis High Life with The Last Kings, Sour Cheeziel. Last Kings