HIGH ART 2020 SPOTLIGHT: MICHELLE WICKHAM “Paradise” Michelle Wickham is an artist and illustrator from Connecticut, currently living in New Haven. She studied Art History
Natural Cannabis Company – California's Finest Cannabis
HIGH ART 2020 SPOTLIGHT: MICHELLE WICKHAM “Paradise” Michelle Wickham is an artist and illustrator from Connecticut, currently living in New Haven. She studied Art History
HIGH ART 2020 SPOTLIGHT: MAT MILLER “Oracle” Mat Miller is a freelance illustrator and graphic designer. He loves drawing things, often strange and mainly animals.
HIGH ART 2020 SPOTLIGHT: LYRIN BAILEY “Everyone is Everything” Artist Lyrin Bailey wants you to explore the macabre, mysticism, and allegorical storytelling. She pulls inspiration
HIGH ART 2020 SPOTLIGHT: LINDSAY TEBECK “Transmutation” Artist Lindsay Tebeck most prides herself in contracting with local nonprofit organizations in her small town to produce
HIGH ART 2020 SPOTLIGHT: KADY UNDERWOOD “Transcendence” Kady Underwood is a freelance illustrator from New York just trying to survive in the world doing what
HIGH ART 2020 SPOTLIGHT: JOSIPA M. KAPIR HIGH ART 2020 SPOTLIGHT: JOSIPA M. KAPIR “The Offering” Josipa M. Kapir is a Croatian self taught artist
HIGH ART 2020 SPOTLIGHT: JON SWARTZ “Smoke & Mirrors” Artist Jon Swartz and his brother David work together as Black Ink. They work with a
HIGH ART 2020 SPOTLIGHT: GUILHERME LEMES “Mother Nature” Guilherme Lemes is a graphic designer and muralist from Brazil living in San Francisco for a couple
HIGH ART 2020 SPOTLIGHT: IAN STEWARTMOORE “La Magia Della Mia Vita” Ian Stewartmoore has always been blessed with some adult in his life who took