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Cannabis May Give People the Munchies but it Doesn’t Make Them Fat

Cannabis May Give People the Munchies but it Doesn’t Make Them Fat

Cannabis May Give People the Munchies but it Doesn’t Make Them Fat

At least that’s the scuttlebutt from some recently released health studies. According to this study published through the International Society for Human Ethology relies on self-reporting cannabis users to give detailed information on their snacking habits while high. The majority of respondents said they often craved and ate unhealthy foods while high, while a mere 27% reported choosing healthy snacks.

But don’t put down the chips just yet, another compelling 3-year study shows cannabis users actually gain less weight and weigh less than those who have never smoked pot. It’s just in the prospective stage right now and more research is needed, but so far cannabis-users, even those who no longer smoke, appear to have lower BMIs and less obesity, so cheers to that!

At least that’s the scuttlebutt from some recently released health studies. According to this study published through the International Society for Human Ethology relies on self-reporting cannabis users to give detailed information on their snacking habits while high. The majority of respondents said they often craved and ate unhealthy foods while high, while a mere 27% reported choosing healthy snacks.