“Achane, The Lace Maker”
Marine Borocco is a French artist with a special love for beautiful, dreamlike imagery. He could spend hours looking at the organic shapes of smoke or clouds, of foliage or hair‚ there’s so much beauty in our world, so many sources of inspiration! Whenever he creates an artwork, be it a personal painting or a commercial illustration, he always tries to put some of that beauty in it‚ because it’s what makes him happy to be an artist, and because he hopes his work will make other people a little bit happier, too.
In this image, thanks to his magical abilities, Achane weaves pictures of light, making his audience dream of other worlds and distant times, of stories that echo in their hearts. Since Achane is from the fantasy equivalent of the Moroccan Riff, Marine figured he would fit perfectly with the contest theme!
See all the art submitted to High Art 2020 at: High Art Finalists
Follow High Art on Instagram! @highartcompetition
High Art was created by Dona Frank and The Natural Cannabis Company in 2014 as a crowdsourcing solution to packaging design. From its humble beginnings, High Art has developed into an internationally-known art competition with thousands of entries annually from 100+ countries all over the world.
Each year professional and amateur artists create themed works through a variety of mediums to compete for $50,000 in prize money and to see their work featured on packaging, social media, at the High Art gallery in Santa Rosa, CA and displayed at prestigious art events, in the United States and abroad.
Stay tuned for more information on upcoming High Art events and High Art 2021!