Natural Cannabis Company – California's Finest Cannabis

Midweek Strain Pick: Wild River Farm’s Light Dep Wedding Cake

Midweek Strain Pick: Wild River Farm’s Light Dep Wedding Cake

Wedding Cake is an indica-dominant cannabis strain prized for its deliciously sweet and musky flavor and fast-acting effects. You’ll feel the mental effects first before the warm and tingly body effects settle in. It’s a great mood boosting strain that leaves you content, euphoric and full of laughter.

You can expect the typical dry mouth with this strain, and it’s known to stimulate the appetite, so keep snacks handy! For medical patients, this strain is suggested for anxiety, depression, moderate pain relief, stress and insomnia.

Wild River Wedding Cake

Wild River Farm’s Light Dep Wedding Cake

THC: 23.38% | CBD: .08%

Hybrid I/S


$10.00 – $30.00

This phenotype was grown by Wild River Farm in Humboldt County, where this sustainable small farm focuses on growing outstanding cannabis the natural way. Follow High Art on Instagram! @highartcompetition

Wedding Cake is an indica-dominant cannabis strain prized for its deliciously sweet and musky flavor and fast-acting effects. You’ll feel the mental effects first before the warm and tingly body effects settle in. It’s a great mood boosting strain that leaves you content, euphoric and full of laughter.

You can expect the typical dry mouth with this strain, and it’s known to stimulate the appetite, so keep snacks handy! For medical patients, this strain is suggested for anxiety, depression, moderate pain relief, stress and insomnia.