Natural Cannabis Company – California's Finest Cannabis

Cannabis as a Gift: 4 Ways to Make it Special

Cannabis as a Gift: 4 Ways to Make it Special 

Like fine wine and artisanal chocolate, exceptional quality cannabis makes a great gift. But, like all memorable gifts, this requires more than just picking out a strain and tossing it in the lap of the recipient. It requires thoughtfulness and presentation. Here are some tips to make your gift of cannabis truly special.


when selecting a strain for someone as a gift, you want it to be personal. Choosing a strain with fond memories attached is a perfect way to turn an average gift into something thoughtful and unique. Is there a strain that you shared together in the past? Or one that has a special meaning? Include your memories in an attached card!

 Create a sampler.

Handpick strains to suit the recipient’s likes and lifestyle. Do they love indica? Fruity strains? Are they an active social butterfly? Choose sativa strains! By purchasing grams you can affordably create a small arrangement of themed strains. Choose any theme you like! Relaxation, party, comedy night, bedtime favorites, wake-n-bake…the sky’s the limit.

Presentation matters.

Watermelon Rancher
Watermelon Rancher

There are some beautifully packaged high-end cannabis brands out there. You may even find some pre-made collections or gifts that are ready to wrap and give. But if not, take the time and energy to create a beautiful gift. Cannabis strains in blah packaging can be placed in small glass jars and hand-labeled. You can find these at stores like Cost Plus or craft stores. Get a nice gift bag or basket, add a bow and include a thoughtful card. If that sounds like too much, find a place to have it professionally wrapped, like a party store.

Bundle it.

Keeping It Discreet: 6 Tips for Keeping Your Cannabis Use Under Wraps

Add a strain or two as part of a larger, more elegant gift like a new vaporizer or stunning glass piece. Add any small accessories to round it out like a scraper/poker, a wind-proof lighter, etc..