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9 Low Cost Cannabis-Friendly Summer Activities

9 Low-Cost Cannabis-Friendly Summer Activities

It’s time to take full advantage of the beautiful summer weather. Why not get out there and do something new? If you’re a cannabis devotee, you already know it just makes things better and there are plenty of free and low-cost activities that are totally cannabis-friendly. Time to get out your favorite strains, stock up on edibles and get busy because fall will be here before you know it!

Summer is a precious time of year that should be savored. Depending on where you live, you’ll be cooped up indoors a good part of the year. Here’s your chance to enjoy the warm weather and have some fun. Just don’t forget the sunscreen and water!

Outdoor Activities

Play Miniature Golf:

Night or day, miniature golf is the perfect couple or group activity. It’s affordable, fun for all ages and can be a good activity for people with limited mobility. Something about a miniature golf course just makes you feel young at heart.

Rent Paddle Boats:

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Generally, water activities aren’t recommended when high, but paddle boats are big, sturdy and hard to damage. Nothing can be more peaceful than a slow paddle around a calm lake with a friend. It’s an affordable water to enjoy nature and get some exercise.

Take a Photography Walk:

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If you’re the type who finds walking boring, it can quickly become more appealing when you add a camera. Best of all, you don’t need any more equipment than your phone. Choose any location and you’ll be surprised at what you notice when you’re looking through a lens. Urban, rural, suburban – there are plenty of things to photograph. Add a new camera app or photo editor for special effects and more. Free!

Picnic in the Park:

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Food, nature and cannabis are a trifecta of summer perfection. Pack up a bag with some favorite cheeses, fruit, cookies and a baguette, grab a blanket and head to your local park. Snacking, talking, smoking; it’s all good. Do a crossword puzzle or solve some of the world’s problems. This activity only incurs the cost of food plus you can do it alone or with friends.

Visit the State Fair:

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Who doesn’t love a good fair? Rides, baby animals, funnel cake and amateur art; there’s something for everyone! Cannabis and fair food were made for each other. Once you’ve paid your admission fee, there is plenty of free entertainment from diving dogs to local bands. Go on a discount day for extra savings!

Indoor Activities

Check Out Free Museum Days:

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Sometimes it’s just too hot to be outside during the day. So why not get out some local museums? Most have free days during the week or month or discounted admission. It’s a great chance to enjoy some air conditioning, enjoy art or learn about science or history!

Make a Road Trip Playlist:

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With your partner or friends, collaborate on the ultimate road trip playlist. Listening to music is so much more enjoyable on cannabis! You’re sure to come up with some inspired themes. All that’s left is to plan a road trip and try it out! Free and can be done anywhere!

Enjoy a Marathon of Matinee Movies:

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Dark and cold with a snack bar, what else could you need on a scorching summer day? Enjoy the matinee price and catch up on the movies you’ve been wanting to see. Treat yourself to a movie marathon at your local theater, alone or with friends!


Watch Free Outdoor Movies:

Warm nights are an added bonus to summertime. Take advantage and enjoy some outdoor nighttime activities. It’s likely that somewhere in your community, they’re showing outdoor summer movies. Often, they’re family-friendly, sponsored by the city and free to enjoy. Just be respectful around the kids!

Go Stargazing:

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If you’re lucky enough to have an astronomy center nearby, they’re most certainly offering viewings during summer celestial events. But you don’t need a telescope to enjoy a gorgeous summer sky. Take a drive as far from light pollution as you can get, toss out a blanket, share a smoke and marvel at how we’re all made from star dust.