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5 Ways to Get Rid of a Buzz Fast

5 Ways to Get Rid of a Buzz Fast

I know, I know. Why would anyone want to get rid of an awesome cannabis buzz? But sometimes situations arise where being high isn’t a good thing. Maybe you’ve overindulged and are feeling too high. Maybe you forgot about an important engagement or you have a last minute job interview…whatever the reason, here are five quick and easy ways to come down fast!


CBD is on the opposite end of the spectrum from THC, the main cannabinoid responsible for making users feel high. It doesn’t cause any mental effects so consumers can enjoy CBD products for a wealth of medical reasons without worrying about mental impairment. If you overindulge in some potent THC-rich cannabis, a product high in CBD will counteract the THC and help you return to normal. A few drops of a CBD tincture under the tongue is the fastest way to come down via CBD.


Flushing your system with water is a great way to move things along when it comes to being too high. If you can’t stand to drink a lot of cold water, try juice instead (but be aware of the high sugar content). Citrus juice is a good bet as Vitamin C helps counteract THC. Don’t drink more than 1 liter of water per hour or you could be risking your health!


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Sometimes just getting out for a brisk walk can sober you up, but if that doesn’t work, try an actual workout. Exercise will help get your blood flowing, move things through your system and sharpen your mind. If leaving the house isn’t an option, try a dance or exercise video on YouTube or streaming services.

Cool shower:

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Going for a swim or hopping in a cool or cold shower is a quick way to regain focus and shake off the effects of a too potent edible or strain. The cold water will awaken the senses and distract you from your high.


Take some ibuprofen:

Taking an ibuprofen seems to lessen the psychoactive effects of cannabis while still allowing the consumer to benefit from cannabis’ anti-inflammatory properties. If you’ve got about 30 minutes, take two ibuprofen to counteract your high.