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Know Your Strain: Lamb’s Bread (aka Lamb’s Breath)

Know Your Strain: Lamb’s Bread (aka Lamb’s Breath)

By Zelda Flowers

Tomi Allen - Beyond The Horizon (Bob Marley) - High Art 2017Lamb’s Bread, sometimes also known as Lamb’s Breath, is a spritely sativa known for providing high energy and a strong mental buzz. It’s a Jamaican landrace strain, where it’s rumored to have been one of Bob Marley’s favorite strains. Regardless of which phenotype you procure, the results for most people include immediate mood boost and a clear-headed euphoria. Body effects aren’t typical of this strain.

Lamb’s Bread buds are bright green and resinous with the aroma of gassy pine. The taste is earthy with notes of spice and pine.

Motivation and EnergyDue to the energetic nature of this sativa, it’s a good choice for morning sessions or times when you want to medicate all day. Lamb’s Bread energy will sustain you, providing creative inspiration and motivation.

Uplifting mental energy and elation are the hallmarks of this strain, making it a good choice for treating depression, anxiety, stress and other mood issues. Users sensitive to pure sativa may experience paranoia or an increase in anxiety, so use in small amounts initially. Expect moderate dry mouth.

Lambs Bread BlogSummary: Lamb’s Bread is a high-energy sativa with little to no body effects. A sunny disposition and happy attitude make this strain a good choice for those treating mood disorders like anxiety, stress and depression. Sativa sensitive users should take care to start small as paranoia can result. Lamb’s Bread will provide sustained mental energy and creativity in most.

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